Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation.

Hopcroft, John E.

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. - 3rd ed. - 1 online resource (505 pages)

Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- Chapter 1_Automata: The Methods and the Madness -- 1.1 Why Study Automata Theory? -- 1.1.1 Introduction to Finite Automata -- 1.1.2 Structural Representations -- 1.1.3 Automata and Complexity -- 1.2 Introduction to Formal Proof -- 1.2.1 Deductive Proofs -- 1.2.2 Reduction to Definitions -- 1.2.3 Other Theorem Forms -- 1.2.4 Theorems That Appear Not to Be If-Then Statements -- 1.3 Additional Forms of Proof -- 1.3.1 Proving Equivalences About Sets -- 1.3.2 The Contrapositive -- 1.3.3 Proof by Contradiction -- 1.3.4 Counterexamples -- 1.4 Inductive Proofs -- 1.4.1 Inductions on Integers -- 1.4.2 More General Forms of Integer Inductions -- 1.4.3 Structural Inductions -- 1.4.4 Mutual Inductions -- 1.5 The Central Concepts of Automata Theory -- 1.5.1 Alphabets -- 1.5.2 Strings -- 1.5.3 Languages -- 1.5.4 Problems -- 1.6 Summary of Chapter 1 -- 1.7 References for Chapter 1 -- Chapter 2_Finite Automata -- 2.1 An Informal Picture of Finite Automata -- 2.1.1 The Ground Rules -- 2.1.2 The Protocol -- 2.1.3 Enabling the Automata to Ignore Actions -- 2.1.4 The Entire System as an Automaton -- 2.1.5 Using the Product Automaton to Validate the Protocol -- 2.2 Deterministic Finite Automata -- 2.2.1 Definition of a Deterministic Finite Automaton -- 2.2.2 How a DFA Processes Strings -- 2.2.3 Simpler Notations for DFA's -- 2.2.4 Extending the Transition Function to Strings -- 2.2.5 The Language of a DFA -- 2.2.6 Exercises for Section 2.2 -- 2.3 Nondeterministic Finite Automata -- 2.3.1 An Informal View of Nondeterministic Finite Automata -- 2.3.2 Definition of Nondeterministic Finite Automata -- 2.3.3 The Extended Transition Function -- 2.3.4 The Language of an NFA -- 2.3.5 Equivalence of Deterministic and Nondeterministic Finite Automata -- 2.3.6 A Bad Case for the Subset Construction. 2.3.7 Exercises for Section 2.3 -- 2.4 An Application: Text Search -- 2.4.1 Finding Strings in Text -- 2.4.2 Nondeterministic Finite Automata for Text Search -- 2.4.3 A DFA to Recognize a Set of Keywords -- 2.4.4 Exercises for Section 2.4 -- 2.5 Finite Automata With Epsilon-Transitions -- 2.5.1 Uses of -Transitions -- 2.5.2 The Formal Notation for an -NFA -- 2.5.3 Epsilon-Closures -- 2.5.4 Extended Transitions and Languages for -NFA's -- 2.5.5 Eliminating -Transitions -- 2.5.6 Exercises for Section 2.5 -- 2.6 Summary of Chapter 2 -- 2.7 References for Chapter 2 -- Chapter 3_Regular Expressions and Languages -- 3.1 Regular Expressions -- 3.1.1 The Operators of Regular Expressions -- 3.1.2 Building Regular Expressions -- 3.1.3 Precedence of Regular-Expression Operators -- 3.1.4 Exercises for Section 3.1 -- 3.2 Finite Automata and Regular Expressions -- 3.2.1 From DFA's to Regular Expressions -- 3.2.2 Converting DFA's to Regular Expressions by Eliminating States -- 3.2.3 Converting Regular Expressions to Automata -- 3.2.4 Exercises for Section 3.2 -- 3.3 Applications of Regular Expressions -- 3.3.1 Regular Expressions in UNIX -- 3.3.2 Lexical Analysis -- 3.3.3 Finding Patterns in Text -- 3.3.4 Exercises for Section 3.3 -- 3.4 Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions -- 3.4.1 Associativity and Commutativity -- 3.4.2 Identities and Annihilators -- 3.4.3 Distributive Laws -- 3.4.4 The Idempotent Law -- 3.4.5 Laws Involving Closures -- 3.4.6 Discovering Laws for Regular Expressions -- 3.4.7 The Test for a Regular-Expression Algebraic Law -- 3.4.8 Exercises for Section 3.4 -- 3.5 Summary of Chapter 3 -- 3.6 References for Chapter 3 -- Chapter 4_Properties of Regular Languages -- 4.1 Proving Languages Not to Be Regular -- 4.1.1 The Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages -- 4.1.2 Applications of the Pumping Lemma -- 4.1.3 Exercises for Section 4.1. 4.2 Closure Properties of Regular Languages -- 4.2.1 Closure of Regular Languages Under Boolean Operations -- 4.2.2 Reversal -- 4.2.3 Homomorphisms -- 4.2.4 Inverse Homomorphisms -- 4.2.5 Exercises for Section 4.2 -- 4.3 Decision Properties of Regular Languages -- 4.3.1 Converting Among Representations -- 4.3.2 Testing Emptiness of Regular Languages -- 4.3.3 Testing Membership in a Regular Language -- 4.3.4 Exercises for Section 4.3 -- 4.4 Equivalence and Minimization of Automata -- 4.4.1 Testing Equivalence of States -- 4.4.2 Testing Equivalence of Regular Languages -- 4.4.3 Minimization of DFA's -- 4.4.4 Why the Minimized DFA Can't Be Beaten -- 4.4.5 Exercises for Section 4.4 -- 4.5 Summary of Chapter 4 -- 4.6 References for Chapter 4 -- Chapter 5_Context-Free Grammars and Languages -- 5.1 Context-Free Grammars -- 5.1.1 An Informal Example -- 5.1.2 Definition of Context-Free Grammars -- 5.1.3 Derivations Using a Grammar -- 5.1.4 Leftmost and Rightmost Derivations -- 5.1.5 The Language of a Grammar -- 5.1.6 Sentential Forms -- 5.1.7 Exercises for Section 5.1 -- 5.2 Parse Trees -- 5.2.1 Constructing Parse Trees -- 5.2.2 The Yield of a Parse Tree -- 5.2.3 Inference, Derivations, and Parse Trees -- 5.2.4 From Inferences to Trees -- 5.2.5 From Trees to Derivations -- 5.2.6 From Derivations to Recursive Inferences -- 5.2.7 Exercises for Section 5.2 -- 5.3 Applications of Context-Free Grammars -- 5.3.1 Parsers -- 5.3.2 The YACC Parser-Generator -- 5.3.3 Markup Languages -- 5.3.4 XML and Document-Type Definitions -- 5.3.5 Exercises for Section 5.3 -- 5.4 Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages -- 5.4.1 Ambiguous Grammars -- 5.4.2 Removing Ambiguity From Grammars -- 5.4.3 Leftmost Derivations as a Way to Express Ambiguity -- 5.4.4 Inherent Ambiguity -- 5.4.5 Exercises for Section 5.4 -- 5.5 Summary of Chapter 5 -- 5.6 References for Chapter 5. Chapter 6_Pushdown Automata -- 6.1 Definition of the Pushdown Automaton -- 6.1.1 Informal Introduction -- 6.1.2 The Formal Definition of Pushdown Automata -- 6.1.3 A Graphical Notation for PDA's -- 6.1.4 Instantaneous Descriptions of a PDA -- 6.1.5 Exercises for Section 6.1 -- 6.2 The Languages of a PDA -- 6.2.1 Acceptance by Final State -- 6.2.2 Acceptance by Empty Stack -- 6.2.3 From Empty Stack to Final State -- 6.2.4 From Final State to Empty Stack -- 6.2.5 Exercises for Section 6.2 -- 6.3 Equivalence of PDA's and CFG's -- 6.3.1 From Grammars to Pushdown Automata -- 6.3.2 From PDA's to Grammars -- 6.3.3 Exercises for Section 6.3 -- 6.4 Deterministic Pushdown Automata -- 6.4.1 Definition of a Deterministic PDA -- 6.4.2 Regular Languages and Deterministic PDA's -- 6.4.3 DPDA's and Context-Free Languages -- 6.4.4 DPDA's and Ambiguous Grammars -- 6.4.5 Exercises for Section 6.4 -- 6.5 Summary of Chapter 6 -- 6.6 References for Chapter 6 -- Chapter 7_Properties of Context-FreeLanguages -- 7.1 Normal Forms for Context-Free Grammars -- 7.1.1 Eliminating Useless Symbols -- 7.1.2 Computing the Generating and Reachable Symbols -- 7.1.3 Eliminating -Productions -- 7.1.4 Eliminating Unit Productions -- 7.1.5 Chomsky Normal Form -- 7.1.6 Exercises for Section 7.1 -- 7.2 The Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages -- 7.2.1 The Size of Parse Trees -- 7.2.2 Statement of the Pumping Lemma -- 7.2.3 Applications of the Pumping Lemma for CFL's -- 7.2.4 Exercises for Section 7.2 -- 7.3 Closure Properties of Context-Free Languages -- 7.3.1 Substitutions -- 7.3.2 Applications of the Substitution Theorem -- 7.3.3 Reversal -- 7.3.4 Intersection With a Regular Language -- 7.3.5 Inverse Homomorphism -- 7.3.6 Exercises for Section 7.3 -- 7.4 Decision Properties of CFL's -- 7.4.1 Complexity of Converting Among CFG's and PDA's. 7.4.2 Running Time of Conversion to Chomsky Normal Form -- 7.4.3 Testing Emptiness of CFL's -- 7.4.4 Testing Membership in a CFL -- 7.4.5 Preview of Undecidable CFL Problems -- 7.4.6 Exercises for Section 7.4 -- 7.5 Summary of Chapter 7 -- 7.6 References for Chapter 7 -- Chapter 8_Introduction to Turing Machines -- 8.1 Problems That Computers Cannot Solve -- 8.1.1 Programs that Print "Hello, World" -- 8.1.2 The Hypothetical "Hello, World" Tester -- 8.1.3 Reducing One Problem to Another -- 8.1.4 Exercises for Section 8.1 -- 8.2 The Turing Machine -- 8.2.1 The Quest to Decide All Mathematical Questions -- 8.2.2 Notation for the Turing Machine -- 8.2.3 Instantaneous Descriptions for Turing Machines -- 8.2.4 Transition Diagrams for Turing Machines -- 8.2.5 The Language of a Turing Machine -- 8.2.6 Turing Machines and Halting -- 8.2.7 Exercises for Section 8.2 -- 8.3 Programming Techniques for Turing Machines -- 8.3.1 Storage in the State -- 8.3.2 Multiple Tracks -- 8.3.3 Subroutines -- 8.3.4 Exercises for Section 8.3 -- 8.4 Extensions to the Basic Turing Machine -- 8.4.1 Multitape Turing Machines -- 8.4.2 Equivalence of One-Tape and Multitape TM's -- 8.4.3 Running Time and the Many-Tapes-to-One Construction -- 8.4.4 Nondeterministic Turing Machines -- 8.4.5 Exercises for Section 8.4 -- 8.5 Restricted Turing Machines -- 8.5.1 Turing Machines With Semi-infinite Tapes -- 8.5.2 Multistack Machines -- 8.5.3 Counter Machines -- 8.5.4 The Power of Counter Machines -- 8.5.5 Exercises for Section 8.5 -- 8.6 Turing Machines and Computers -- 8.6.1 Simulating a Turing Machine by Computer -- 8.6.2 Simulating a Computer by a Turing Machine -- 8.6.3 Comparing the Running Times of Computers and Turing Machines -- 8.7 Summary of Chapter 8 -- 8.8 References for Chapter 8 -- Chapter 9_Undecidability -- 9.1 A Language That Is Not Recursively Enumerable. 9.1.1 Enumerating the Binary Strings.

This classic book on formal languages, automata theory, and computational complexity has been updated to present theoretical concepts in a concise and straightforward manner with the increase of hands-on, practical applications. This new edition comes with Gradiance, an online assessment tool developed for computer science. Gradiance is the most advanced online assessment tool developed for the computer science discipline. With its innovative underlying technology, Gradiance turns basic homework assignments and programming labs into an interactive learning experience for students. By using a series of “root questions” and hints, it not only tests a student's capability, but actually simulates a one-on-one teacher-student tutorial that allows for the student to more easily learn the material. Through the programming labs, instructors are capable of testing, tracking, and honing their students' skills, both in terms of syntax and semantics, with an unprecedented level of assessment never before offered.


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