Statistical physics /
Landau, L. D.
Statistical physics / by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz - New Delhi : Elsevier, 2020. - xvi, 544p. ill. ; 25 cm. - Course of theoretical physics Volume-5 Part-1 . - Course of theoretical physics ; v. 5, 9 . - v. 5. .
Includes index.
9788181477903 (Pbk)
Statistical physics.
QC174.8 / .L3613 1980
530.13 L231S3
Statistical physics / by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz - New Delhi : Elsevier, 2020. - xvi, 544p. ill. ; 25 cm. - Course of theoretical physics Volume-5 Part-1 . - Course of theoretical physics ; v. 5, 9 . - v. 5. .
Includes index.
9788181477903 (Pbk)
Statistical physics.
QC174.8 / .L3613 1980
530.13 L231S3